
The Distributed Design Platform

The Platforms member exchange as part of the Distributed Design Community Strategy

Community Engagement in Practice

Mentor Scheme: Tailored Mentorship for Emerging Creative Talents

Updates: check out our new Creative Talents, live on the Online Exhibition!

Watch now: ‘This is Distributed Design’-Documentary

What is the Distributed Design Platform?

The Distributed Design Platform acts as an exchange and networking hub for the european maker movement. The initiative aims at developing and promoting the connection between designers, makers and the market.


14 Countries

  1. Austria
  2. Denmark
  3. Estonia
  4. France
  5. Germany
  6. Greece
  7. Hungary
  8. Iceland
  9. Ireland
  10. Italy
  11. Netherlands
  12. Portugal
  13. Slovenia
  14. Spain

19 Members

2609 Talents

Stay updated!

Featured talents

mad plastic manual shredder

Mad Plastic

Jung Hsu

woman shaping a piece made from euca wood in the shadow, black and white picture

DUBLO studio

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