Updates: check out our new Creative Talents, live on the Online Exhibition!

We’d like to give a huge welcome to the 74 new Creative Talents that have recently been added to the Distributed Design Platform Online Exhibition!

Each year, we ask our members to search their local networks and recommend 15 new Creative Talents to join the Distributed Design Platform. In addition, we invite Creative Talents who participate in our activities, like the Distributed Design Awards and the Circular Cities Challenge. While the talents range in geographical origins– from Iraq to Iceland, Ukraine to Vietnam– and professions– from Natural Language Technology Specialists to filmmakers, graphic designers to biologists– they remain united in one thing: they all embody the Distributed Design Platform values. That means, in some way or another, our new batch of Creative Talents are working openly, collaboratively, regeneratively, and ecosystemically.

So let’s meet some of this year’s extraordinary talents:

First up, we have Mì Tôm Xanh. The project, based out of Hanoi, Vietnam, was founded by Thao Vu and is sponsored by the Fab City Foundation. The group adapted the traditional technique of bamboo and rattan threading, applying it to plastic noodle wraps in order to make multi-functional everyday items. In addition to recycling, the group is preserving cultural heritage and teaching the technique to students. Here you can buy Mì Tôm Xanh’s items: all proceeds go to charitable endeavors linked with the group.

Next, we have 91-92, a Creative Talent with MAKER based in Copenhagen. Founders Zeyu Rong and Weibo Sun run a sustainable 3D printing studio of everyday objects and furniture made from recycled plastic. They use recycled PET and PETG and do not use support materials or surface finishing in order to minimize production waste. Find their elegant collection of vases, lamps, stools, and side tables here.

Lastly, we have By the End of May, a research and design practice exploring the futures of local making. The duo, comprised of Davide Onestini and André Trindade, is based out of Portugal and supported by Platform member, Politécnico de Lisboa. The team works to understand how to create open, gentler futures that design for care and humbleness. Through upcycling paper waste in their project, Post Paper Studio, By the End of May explores how waste materials can become the building blocks for new objects and furniture pieces. You can discover all their work here. This year, we were thrilled to have the By the End of May team participate in the Distributed Design Platform Mobility Scheme, just one of the many examples of the journey Creative Talents partake in when they join the Platform.

Make sure to check out all of the new Creative Talents in the Online Exhibition! We’ve added a new feature enabling our community to search talents by tags: place, art, education, food, healthcare, and fashion. Hopefully, this can make it easier to discover collaborators, find new audiences, and get to know our community. 

Are you a young creative that embodies the Distributed Design Platform’s values? Are you interested in being featured on the Platform’s Online Exhibition? Get in touch with your local Platform member or send an inquiry to [email protected] to find out more!

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