


A project by
Balázs RADOS, Georgina TÖRÖK, Dávid GÁL

Balázs RADOS, Georgina TÖRÖK, Dávid GÁL


Industrial Product Designer, Mechanical Engineer, Economist
Based in
Platform Member
FabLab Budapest
Works at

About the project

reCOVER is a product-based service that uses 3D scanning and 3D printing to create a personalised fixation device (orthosis) suitable for treating bone fractures, bruises, injuries and diseases requiring ligament, tendon, nerve and other immobilisation, realised by distributed manufacturing.

3D scanning and 3D printing, known nowadays but rarely used for creating immobilisation devices, offer several advantages over the widespread use of plaster casts and their negative characteristics. Today’s modern medicine is based on personalised treatments, which custom-designed devices can help.

reCOVER brings production close to the place of use: patient data is scanned at clinics; geographical location is not decisive when designing the 3D product model.

The team is Georgina TÖRÖK (founder and industrial design engineer), Dávid GÁL (industrial design engineer) and Balázs RADOS (mechanical engineer and economist).