

Open-sourcing a makerspace community

A project by
Jorge de la Brena R.

Jorge de la Brena R.

FCF High-quality Resource

Maker & Filmmaker
Open-sourcing a makerspace community
Based in
Tallinn, Estonia
Platform Member
Fab City Foundation
Works at

About the project

A high-quality resource aiming to provide easily explainable processes and activities to inspire other emerging makerspace communities to understand each other, organize and take action.

Understanding open-sourcing as the gradual process of documenting and making publicly available the inner workings of organizations, this high-quality resource pursues three objectives:


  1. Telling how to hold a workshop or another significant event in a makerspace.
  2. Sharing our lessons learnt on how to create a community through such sort of events.
  3. Establishing a first draft towards a blueprint for communities open-sourcing know-how documentation.


The resource represents an attempt to make sense of a chaotic emergent situation using promising XXI century frameworks as distributed design. It is aimed at both members of the DDP platform and any maker or makerspace member interested in understanding and replicating the processes addressed.

Jorge’s role has been to document through video and photos the small wind turbine workshop held in Kopli 93 on which the resource is based. He has also been in charge of editing the compiled material.