About the project
Melanie Kirchgeorg is an interior designer and architect student based in Vienna. After graduating her bachelor degree of interior design in Rosenheim, she started the studio Lückenfüller.design together with Martin Winkler in 2016.
Lueckenfueller.design is a studio for interior-design and cabinetmaker´s trade. Besides customized products for clients the two have created furniture series like the sideboard series “KOLO”.
The adventspolygon is drafted with Grasshopper (a PlugIn for Rhino). It´s a mutated picture of mountains in a birds eye view. With this software it was possible to get a 3D file for the CNC mill. The first step was to mill the object out MDF wood. The second step was to generate a form out of XPS for the silicone mold.
The adventspolygon is made of a special combination of cement and quarzsand.