About the project
There are so many niche needs related to health & wellbeing which cannot be filled byestablished commercial solutions. That applies to the global north and even more to theglobal south. However, digital fabrication and ICTs combined allow for codevelopingopen source (connected) hardware solutions that are designed for production inmakerspaces to fill this gap.Careables is a platform that enables citizens to co-design and deliver people-centered health products through means of digital fabrication. Careables aims to bring people with special needs,makers, designers and other experts together for creating open source solutions in thebroad field of health & wellbeing.The goal is to ideate and prototype related (connected) hardware products that can bereplicated and improved in every well equipped makerspace in the world with use ofsimple prototyping techniques only.

Isabelle Dechamps is the founder of be able. As a designer, she pursues participative artistic approaches, especially in projects with people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and other marginalized social groups. She is a lecturer at the Wentworth Institute of Technology and the D-School at the HPI in Potsdam. For the EU project Careables she develops with the Fablab Berlin co-creation formats for users with special needs in the field of care

Jurre OngeringJurre Ongering works at Waag as project manager for Creative Care Lab and several projects of other labs in the organisation. Through previous work experience, Jurre is familiar with front-line and second-line care organizations, the care & nursing sector, and charities.

Sandra MamitzschSandra Mamitzsch is a Berlin based political consultant and activist. She is curating re:publica since 2011 and project lead for Global Innovation Gathering at Careables.org. Prior to that she was a project manager and consultant at newthinking communications, advising on digital media and communication strategies, media and internet policy and creative industries. In her free time, she is an active member of the non-profit organizations “European Digital Rights” (EDRi) and “Digitale Gesellschaft”.

Elena Gerber is a visual artist, working on visualizing things to improve communication with help of graphic recording, illustration, video, and animations.