About the project
Understanding the Emergence of Post-growth Organisational Networks
This project aims to explore how organisations might help to achieve post-growth scenarios by adopting post-growth criteria in their organisational structure. My previous research has highlighted that aligning with or adopting post-growth criteria puts organisations in a precarious and uncertain position in a growth-based economy.
In this context, my research has tentatively indicated that organisational networks might help alleviate these pressures, making it easier for organisations to align with post-growth. Commons-based peer production (CBPP) has emerged as a fruitful starting point for such investigations. Especially as CBPP organisations connect through digital commons and have the potential of scaling-wide post-growth values.
The project aims to understand: i. how organisations might adopt post-growth values and purposes, ii. how these organisations form and participate within networks, and iii. how these organisations might seek to influence other organisations to align with post-growth. To this end, the project will research organisational networks as separate in-depth case studies to understand the barriers and enablers for organisations in adopting post-growth values and purposes.
Overall, this research project will help to understand how organisations can help to achieve a sustainable society by following a post-growth path. It will also explore how innovation and technology can occur without economic growth.