Alternative Scenography

Alternative Scenography

Aude Delesalle

Eco-social designer
Alternative Scenography
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Platform Member
Ars Longa
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Alternative Scenography

About the project

Alternative Schenography was carried out as part of a personal proposal for a Bachelor’s degree in design. It results from two observations that derive from a job un carpentry. The first is that reusing scrap wood is “a waste of time”, because you have to change the measurements in the digital cutter software and adjust the pieces accordingly. This same carpentry creates scenographies. After observing that these event scenographies were thrown away for such a short lifespan, the project therefore aims to find an alternative by proposing a modular, dismountable solution.
The first step was to make standard-sized panels using scrap wood so that these, once assembled, could be placed on the digital cutter and continue their life cycle.
The second approach was to imagine shapes and patterns, that could fit together and disengage to create a modular and movable whole. Two patterns have been designed to avoid recreating scraps in the previously made panels. The first one — the cross — connects each element and can rise in height and the other, the square, allows for flat areas in order to be able to place things on it and/or serve as a seat. These patterns enable to create both scenographies and micro-architectures. Cut with a digital cutter, they also prove that these panels are usable.

About the creative talent

Aude Delesalle is currently completing a master’s degree in Social Design at the ESAD Valenciennes. She has developed a close relationship to wood, through her family history as well as her practice as a carpenter, and this material lays at the core. Involved in current issues, she seeks, through her practice, to find solutions allowing to avoid waste on every scale, from that of the objects to that of architecture. In her master’s degree project, she seeks to further her research on new assemblies aiming at having as little contact as possible with the material so that it can have an “infinite” cycle.