Yearly Danish Design Centre is bestowing the Danish Design Award, a joint creation which is highlighting the impact and value of local design in Denmark and furthermore stimulating the use of design and design thinking in companies and society.
For the first time Danish Design Centre invited creative talents to submit their design for the Distributed Design Awards.
To be considered for the Distributed Design Award the product must reflect on the following aspects:
- Does the product allow for customization by other parties?
- Is the design produced locally?
- Are there principles of circular economy in the product?
- Is the design accessible through digital platforms?
The jury will assess the design based on the following criteria:
- Does it create value for people, companies and society?
- Does it express empathy to user needs?
- Is it visionary and paves the way for others?
- Is it created with care and high aesthetics?
After the open call the applications were reviewed by the jury, consisting of Danish Design Centre and Thomas Madsen Mygdal (Twentythree), Tomas Diez (Fab City Research Lab), SImona Maschi ( CEO CIID), Daniel Charny (From NOw On), Pil Bredahl (Pil Bredahl Design).
Four finalists and the winner of the Open Call were announced and celebrated at the Danish Design Award Show on May 28th in Copenhagen.
The winner represents Nextfood, an automated grow system for local, distributed plant production, with which you can grow your own vegetables delicious and pesticide-free.
All four finalists and the winner are awarded with a trip to Fab City Grand Paris in July in order to support their creation of new professional networks within distributed design.