

Joanna Power and Paramveer Bhachu

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Platform Member
Paved With Gold
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About the project

Lava have designed a portable washing machine for students and their accommodations. It filters used shower water and uses it to wash clothes. The device has a removable water tank, which can be placed on the shower floor like a mat, making collection easy, and reducing overall water usage.

A recent study of people aged 18-24 found that students needlessly waste copious amounts of water. The most significant amount of wastage was directly related to showering, as students often spend nearly an hour and a half in the shower per week. As students, we were disappointed at these results and started looking at ways to shorten our showering times, and found it difficult. A few days later, we noticed that all campus washing machines were full, and were forced to wash our clothes in our sinks. It was at this point we thought to solve both problems by reusing shower water in the laundry process. The Aqua X is designed to do just this. There are approximately 249,000 undergraduate students in London alone, which means over 1.7 billion litres (equivalent to 700 Olympic sized swimming pools) a year can be saved by the use of our product.