Carolina Almeida

Carolina Almeida

Carolina Almeida

Storyteller & Designer
Carolina Almeida
Based in
Platform Member
Fab Lab Barcelona
Works at
Interspecies Internet

Carolina Almeida

About the project

Carolina (she/her) is a storyteller and designer leveraging her background in environmental biology to create locally-rooted, globally-connected interventions at the intersection of design, ecology, and culture. Her approach often combines storytelling with implementation of knowledge-sharing systems to platform multispecies and regenerative futures. She has been part of the core team for conferences such as Future Days 2024 and was a Young Advisor for Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian (CAM).

Currently, Carolina works at the think-tank Interspecies Internet, crafts stories about non-linear and post-consumerist futures with BY THE END Of MAY team and is co-developing The Interspecies Tarot, a card deck for aligning our practices with other living beings. Her interdisciplinary skills enable her to connect local initiatives to global challenges, bringing a holistic perspective to future-driven projects.

Group of 15 people ready to start their MOC Barcelona tour
Barcelona MOC tour guide booklet held in a participant's hand



The Interspecies Tarot is designed to help you navigate the intricate ethics of interspecies work. Each card is a poetic assembly of knowledge, built on concepts of biology, philosophy, and indigenous wisdom to ignite a deep sense of inquiry rooted in care.


From the Festival’s talks and subsequent interviews with guest creatives, a 6-episode podcast is being produced to promote the Gentler Futures vision and mission digitally and beyond borders. The podcast trough storytelling will delve deeper into their insights and innovative approaches to urban resilience, regenerative design, and systemic thinking, transcending geographical boundaries to amplify the voices and ideas of emerging talents and movements.


The Museum of Colonization (MOC) is a collective of artists, activists, and allies. We believe the world is a museum to colonization, you just don’t see it. We are here to help you notice, challenge colonial thought, and dream of decolonial futures. As a collective, we put emphasis on playful and thought-provoking ways to “MOC” our current norms and standards. Our projects aim to make decolonial education accessible – often using comedy, satire, and radical softness/love to approach the topic. You can find our instagram here.