

July 26, 2024

People’s Choice Award 2024 – time to vote!

Are you excited for the 7th edition of the Distributed Design Awards? Now’s your chance to select your favorite and most innovative designs. Join the People’s Choice jury and make your voice heard!


The Distributed Design Awards celebrate the creative, mind-shifting and responsible design responses to the post-industrial design paradigm. We recognize multidisciplinary, innovative and sustainable designs from Europe’s makers, designers and creatives.

The People’s Choice winner will have the opportunity to be exhibited at the Vienna Design Week in September 2024.

Public voting is open until August 25!



Distributed Design

The initiative is organized by Distributed Design, a project co-funded by the European Union. It fosters the role of emerging Makers and Designers as part of our new digitized world. It celebrates, supports and inspires these professionals from across Europe and provides opportunities to support the mobility and circulation of their work to connect them with new, digital markets.



Fab Lab Barcelona is the research and innovation centre, situated inside the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). It focuses mainly on Research, Education, and Services, pushing the boundaries of what Fab Labs can be and do in neighbourhoods, cities, and regions. It’s also the headquarters of the Global Coordination of the Fab Academy program and leads the Fab City Project, an initiative that aims to develop a new model for locally productive and globally connected self sufficient-cities.

The Distributed Design Platform is led by Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC.


WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project) is a company born in 2012 in Massa Lombarda, Italy, that designs, produces and sells 3D printers Made in Italy all over the world.  

The wide range of WASP 3D printers has been developed to answer human needs: food, housing, health, energy, work, art and culture. Inspired by the Potter Wasp, which builds its own nest with material recovered from the surrounding environment, WASP was born with the aim of developing large-scale 3D printers, to build houses with natural materials and available on the territory. The main company target is to provide effective benefits to humans through technological innovation and research.


Kniterate creates innovative tools aimed at bringing digital knitting technology to the masses. Kniterate enables users to design and produce customized knitted goods easily and efficiently. Promoting a local and on-demand production model, fostering creativity and sustainability in fashion and other industries.


Smart Citizen is a network, starting with a sensing device and evolving towards a community that empowers citizens not only through data, but also methodologies for action. Since 2012 Smart Citizen has worked to empower communities to better understand their environment by developing open tools for citizens. With our tools, users are better informed about the world around them. The Smart Citizen Kit allows people to easily measure and collect data such as air and noise pollution from their environment, and visualize it while sharing it with everyone on its dedicated platform. All of these, while being completely open-source and customizable to your needs. Built by communities for communities.

Blog post credits

Distributed Design
Fab Lab Barcelona