
About OpenDot

OpenDot (IT) OpenDot is a research and open innovation hub, a space dedicated to rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing, open and accessible to all. OpenDot, founded in Milan in 2014 by the design studio Dotdotdot, OpenDot generates changes that find in open source and technological know-how opportunities for growth in educational, design and production level.

OpenDot develops projects and research paths, training programmes and co-design processes involving all the stakeholders to create innovative solutions aimed at generating a positive social impact for people and the planet.

Opendot collaborates with Politecnico of Milan, DOMUS Academy, NABA (New Academy for Fine Arts) among other Universities. For 7 years it has been organizing the 6-months-lasting training Fab Academy, devoted to digital Fabrication and coordinated by MIT Media Lab.

What do they do in the Distributed Design context?

Residency program within the Distributed Design Platform project for designers, artists, creatives, makers and engineers (why not) from diverse backgrounds.

Three theme challenges (to choose along the three options):

  • Repurposing and upcycling: from Fashion to … and vice versa
  • Transformational design for adaptive fashion.
  • Dress the change: fashion as a means for climate activism.

We will offer access to the full facility, mentorship and training.