

Useful information

Thursday 23rd February 2023
Opening hours
7:30pm — 9:30pm
Pakhuis de Zwijger

About the event

Circular cities, donut economics, regenerative design. These are concepts that we will think, talk and do more with in the past few years. New economic, industrial, and design principles to move toward an ecological and socially sustainable future. In this workshop, we will challenge participants to a regenerative way of thinking. Is it possible to make regeneration more ‘mainstream’? Can regenerative design help to reach our sustainable ambitions? What are the next steps we must take to move toward a truly sustainable economy? What can we do as a city, designer, or consumer? 


In previous Distributed Design programmes, we have invited designers and researchers to share their experiences, concepts and bottlenecks. We have learned about the movement of designs across the globe, using locally sourced and used materials. The examples of these talented designers are promising, but if we zoom out we notice that we still live in a linear single-use economy.

The conversations in this workshop will lead to a programme at Pakhuis de Zwijger in the fall, where we invite a broad group of citizens, policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and bigger companies to present real problems for which we aim to investigate potential solutions. Join us in this workshop to develop a new future together.

Join us!