
Mifactoris Open Circular Design Lamps

Useful information

Team members
Lars Zimmermann
open circular furniture lamps

Short Description

This Open Circular Design Lamp is a collection of solutions to make lamps from almost anything.

Detailed Description

Our lamp is an open circular design. It is a collection of solutions that allow to transform almost anything into a lamp. All of these solutions require only absolute basic tools and standard parts that almost everyone everywhere can access.

The lamp even includes digital manufacturing: You can download a pdf and print a lampshade using your home desktop printer.

The lamp is open (source), modular, well documented, adaptable and “upcycling friendly”. It allows you to incorporate all kinds of local or just left over parts and materials into a lamp. This makes sourcing easy.

It is made for distribtued manufacturing and strong circularity. Because it takes these principles seriously there is no “final version” but just a collection of technical solutions – this collection is the lamp (more on that here https://mifactori.de/open-design-lamp/).

Project Details

Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?

It aims to make a contribution to a change in our design culture. Climate change, biodiversity collapse and resource depletion are problems caused by production – consumption and design. Open circular design tries to achieve more with less. It is also an attempt to pull the grimmest teeth of capitalism.

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

I think there is already enough information about that in the main text.

But it is an open circular design. It checks 8 of the 9 boxes we connect to open circular design. It is simple, modular, open licensed, educative, upcycling friendly, based on standards, pre-use and supports recycling.

How we see Open Circular Design? Here is our article on that: https://mifactori.de/what-is-open-design/

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

Yes. It is openly licensed, well documented and the design itself tries to support distributed manufacturing in the best way possible (we can think of).

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

I think the answer is yes. For a couple of reasons.

Our studio also works on campaigns and activism. And our designs are part of this. Example for design activism: https://mifactori.de/self/

We explain our design methods of open circularity and our own designs are (almost aggressively) different. Describing and demanding change.

Our designs are educative. They aim to spread circular literacy and skills to work creatively and sustainably with the things around you.


Useful information

Team members
Lars Zimmermann
open circular furniture lamps

Short Description

This Open Circular Design Lamp is a collection of solutions to make lamps from almost anything.

Detailed Description

Our lamp is an open circular design. It is a collection of solutions that allow to transform almost anything into a lamp. All of these solutions require only absolute basic tools and standard parts that almost everyone everywhere can access.

The lamp even includes digital manufacturing: You can download a pdf and print a lampshade using your home desktop printer.

The lamp is open (source), modular, well documented, adaptable and “upcycling friendly”. It allows you to incorporate all kinds of local or just left over parts and materials into a lamp. This makes sourcing easy.

It is made for distributed manufacturing and strong circularity. Because it takes these principles seriously there is no “final version” but just a collection of technical solutions – this collection is the lamp (more on that here https://mifactori.de/open-design-lamp/).

Project Details

Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?

It aims to make a contribution to a change in our design culture. Climate change, biodiversity collapse and resource depletion are problems caused by production – consumption and design. Open circular design tries to achieve more with less. It is also an attempt to pull the grimmest teeth of capitalism.

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

I think there is already enough information about that in the main text.

But it is an open circular design. It checks 8 of the 9 boxes we connect to open circular design. It is simple, modular, open licensed, educative, upcycling friendly, based on standards, pre-use and supports recycling.

How we see Open Circular Design? Here is our article on that: https://mifactori.de/what-is-open-design/

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

Yes. It is openly licensed, well documented and the design itself tries to support distributed manufacturing in the best way possible (we can think of).

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

I think the answer is yes. For a couple of reasons.

Our studio also works on campaigns and activism. And our designs are part of this. Example for design activism: https://mifactori.de/self/

We explain our design methods of open circularity and our own designs are (almost aggressively) different. Describing and demanding change.

Our designs are educative. They aim to spread circular literacy and skills to work creatively and sustainably with the things around you.
