

Useful information

Team members
Lara Campos
textile research biomaterials biotech biodesign symbiosis digital fabrication living architecture material design crafts circular economy sustainability

Short Description

It explores the relationship between humans and other living organisms through a growing garment.

Detailed Description

In a context of environmental collapse, design can open a space for dialogue between humans and other living beings. beGrounded proposes an exploration of a new habitable space in the form of a woven garment with growing sprouts, as a sensorial and interactive experience enhancing symbiosis in order to ideate on better solutions of coexistence.
It’s not just about wearing it, but about growing it.
beGrounded includes a digitally fabricated kit with everything necessary to germinate your woven piece made of organic wool & seeds.
prayer bottle- ceramic 3d print
hanger- bamboo & laser cut wood hook
user manual- engrave recycled paper
box- cnc mill & laser cut wood

Open Source Design - http://class.textile-academy.org/2019/students/lara.campos
Circular Design - soil to soil > 100% biodegradable
Locally sourced & made - encouraging craft skills & digital fabrication
Build Custom tools / loom & spinning machine (Studio HIlo's OS Hardware)

beGrounded kit was fabricated in Fab Lab Barcelona.

Project Details

Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?

The objective is to feel nature and nourish our respect towards it in order to ideate on better solutions of coexistence.
Considering the Earthing theory, this biotechnologic garment has potential healing properties, leading to an upcoming fashion industry where users can deal with common health issues such as stress and anxiety through garments.

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

It's a soil to soil project, 100% biodegradable as it is made from organic and biobased raw materials. The garment can go back to the Earth and grow bigger or even composted afterlife.
It's locally made and sourced in Barcelona, and can be replied anywhere else by downloading the files and following the documentation (cnc & laser cut needed)

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

It's an open source project that's documented in detail> http://class.textile-academy.org/2019/students/lara.campos/projects/Documentation/
It supports Open Source projects as well, as it includes a custom tool (spinning machine) made from an OS hardware designed by Studio Hilo (Berlin) that was customized for making the seed's yarn.

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

beGrounded universe speaks about clothing ourselves without costing the Earth, reshaping renewable natural resources and it is committed with a sustainable life cycle for production, cosumption & disposal.



Project Website

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