Table Zero

Useful information
- Team members
- Michiel Vindevogel
- Country
- Belgium
- Keywords
- Biogas kitchen waste managament foodtruck
Short Description
Its a outdoor kitchen with a integrated biogas digester, resulting in a self sustaining kitchen.
Detailed Description
When I was volunteering on biological farms in rural france I was
intrigued about the possibilities when humans form a symbiotic bond
with nature instead of living next to it, as is mostly the case when you
live in a city. It made me realise we live in a prosperous time where we
outsource aspects essential to survival such as growing food, conservation,
composting and herbal knowledge. This gives us more time
to focus on other aspects of our live, but alienates us from providing
our basic needs.
For a foodfestival focussing on microbiological processes in food i designed a kitchen harnessing all this magic from mother nature. It focusses on educating the customer the proces of biogas whilst also being functional. Its fully made with materials that are reused, all from local sources. The frame is steel and wood, internal digestion system is made mostly from plastic. it can take up to 5 kg of kitchenwaste a day and convert this into 1 to 2 hours worth of cooking gas
Project Details
- Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?
all knowledge needed for building this can be found on the internet or in libraries
- Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?
its shows the value of wastestreams, in particular the caloric value of kitchenwaste