
Hybrid Ecosystems

Useful information

Team members
Tatiana Butts Joaquin Rosas Christian Ernst
Audiovisual nature & tech installation 3D fabrication community

Short Description

An interactive audiovisual exhibition about the intersections of nature and technology.

Detailed Description

As an idea born out of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures at IAAC Barcelona, we produced and curated an exhibition about the similarities and contradictions of technological and natural ecosystems. Investigating these overlapping areas through our senses, we explore worlds of sounds, visuals and haptics. Between self-mutating algorithms and recursive patterns in nature, we draw similarities and aim to provoke questions about a more sustainable and tangible view of technology.

The exhibition and its installations were entirely produced in a six-week period. They consist of sound-reactive 3D-printed clay pieces, interactive particle simulations, an audiovisual installation/instrument that can be played through biomaterial interfaces, a light sculpture by artist collective NA.B3 and a video installation on fractal patterns. Visitors could explore the exhibition space and take home a plant, including matching NFT, as a commemorative.

Project Details

Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?

We try to raise awareness to not see nature and technology as adversaries, but to practice ecological consciousness in order to bring both worlds into harmonic coexistence. Technology should be built and used with regeneration in mind, for it to contribute to human and planetary well-being.

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

By using agar-agar-based biomaterial as interfaces in our core exhibition piece, we invite visitors to explore what a more conscious material future could mean. Each biomaterial has different material properties to show off a variety of textures. Furthermore we reduced the waste impact of our exhibition through the use of recyclable and reusable materials.

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

On our website, we shared the source files of our fabrication parts, accessible to all. This includes the modular controller interfaces and the central PCB design for the audiovisual installation, as well as 3D files for the clay sculptures.

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

By advocating for a more conscious and natural approach to technology, we hope to achieve a new paradigm where technology design serves goals beyond pure profit generation.



Project Website

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