
Dust to Desired

Useful information

Team members
Christy Cairns
Experimental Circular Material Investigation Distributed Material Utilisation

Short Description

A material exploration to find viable material uses for CNC sawdust that otherwise goes to waste.

Detailed Description

Dust to Desired is open source, adaptation encouraged, recipe and process that is still in development. It is the result of thorough material exploration in an effort to find viable material uses for CNC sawdust that otherwise goes to waste.

WHY > The sawdust produced by CNC workshops often goes to landfill or incineration, releasing both Methane and Carbon Dioxide. This sawdust is consistent, widely available and free.

HOW > Simple equipment and techniques, and step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow, designed to be undertaken in the location of the sawdust production.

WHAT > Dust to Desired is a collection of opensource recipes created to utilise waste sawdust to produce practical and decorative materials.

Project Details

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

Using free-to-collect sawdust, low-tech equipment, environmentally friendly ingredients and easy to follow techniques that anyone, anywhere can reproduce and adapt.

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

It exists as a collection of recipes or instructions that are open source and readily available online for anyone to replicate or reinvent in the context of their own local environment.

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

The ambition of the project it to provide potential and a future for materials that otherwise are wasted with the result of releasing Co2. The recipes utilise natural materials (in addition to the sawdust) that do not elongate or prevent the natural decomposition of the original or resulting materials.

