
Make Care

Useful information

Team members
Joaquin Rosas Christian Ernst Jose Hirmas Roberto Broce
Open source butterfly skin 3d printing digital fabrication distributed design

Short Description

Serie of open source, 3d printed daily use artifacts for young people with butterfly skin.

Detailed Description

‘Make Care’ was born after having the opportunity to work with people with Epidermis Bullosa. Together, we detecte a series of needs and possibilities. The project had a first stage of ethnographic research. From observation and participation with different groups (first, adults, adolescents and children; secondly, according to the condition of their wounds; and finally, according to how they lived, alone or with more people). Adolescents were selected due to the particular situation of overcare by their guardians and due to their desire for independence, especially to carry out certain daily household tasks. After analyzing their routines, objects used and the environment, it was possible to define some transversal actions on which they depended on another person and that hindered their personal development. The project lives currently online, open source for everyone. It won several awards as “Best of the best” of Chilean Biennial of Design in 2017 and several others.

Project Details

Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?

It enables people that are usually excluded from the normal world, because nothing is design for/with them, so it creates a new environment of living, creating independence in young people with this desease.

Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?

As there are arorund 600 people with this desease in spain, there are no ways of manufacturing products for this amount, thats why these products are 3d printed with PLA, the filament that can be recycled and composted under specific environment.

Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?

The project lives under Creative commons patent. It lives online, every people, foundation, can download the objects for free use.

Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?

It promote awareness because it shows a real way of working and designing " with" and not for people in medical conditions. Also it promotes digital fabrication as a real way of manufacture for real problems.

