
Horizon Is Not Necessarily Even

Detailed Description

The structure concept and method are based on the germination process of a seed developing into a new plant. Legs branched into a seat and back, constituted by join and tension principles. I challenged and interchanged the function and performance of the chair components and the construction joints. The imaginative combination of different textures, colours and daring forms results in novel work that incites the viewer and user immersion. “This chair has to carry my body and my soul.” Piet Mondrian

Project Details

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the ECOSYSTEMIC value of the Distributed Design Platform?

“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think” Gregory Bateson 1978

Subject the Subject: The Essential is Invisible Seek the Obvious
The intersected complexity between cultural, natural, and social aspects and designing is the product/consequence of the dramatic shift of human behaviour towards nature, particularly since the ‘Industrial Revolution’. It shifted from adapting nature's logic to working against it, intervening and disturbing the natural balance and depleting natural resources. On the other hand, the acritical shift that has happened in designers'/authors’ attitudes toward the world has altered from approaching necessity as the mother of invention to fabricating a need to justify their productions.

In recent years, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek has extensively explored the concept of the future and its current state. His approach is realistically pessimistic-humanity is moving fast towards various global catastrophes, whether ecological, nuclear, or of any other nature. Žižek believes that to alter the future, we must effectively work to change the past; we must act as if the catastrophe has already happened.
