
Shadows Places

Detailed Description

"Shadow Places" investigates the impacts of wind turbine development in Evia, Greece, particularly in Liani Ammos Bay. Through community engagement, the project documents environmental and social consequences, including shadow flicker, amplifying the voices of affected communities and advocating for equitable renewable energy practices.

Project Details

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the OPENNESS value of the Distributed Design Platform?

"Shadow Places" adheres to the principle of openness by making its design processes transparent, replicable, and accessible. The project will share methodologies, insights, and creative outputs through open-source platforms, ensuring that the artistic and research processes can be accessed and utilized by other artists, researchers, and community members. This open approach will facilitate broader engagement and the dissemination of knowledge, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas and practices can be freely exchanged and built upon.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the COLLABORATIVE value of the Distributed Design Platform?

"Shadow Places" is fundamentally collaborative, enabling citizens to actively participate in the design process through meaningful and participatory co-design approaches. The project will engage local residents and stakeholders in Evia through workshops, storytelling sessions, and collaborative art projects. By involving community members directly in the creation and implementation of the project, "Shadow Places" ensures that their voices, experiences, and perspectives are central to the project's outcomes, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the REGENERATIVE value of the Distributed Design Platform?

"Shadow Places" is guided by regenerative principles, aiming to renew and restore the systems it engages with rather than merely replacing or devaluing them. The project seeks to highlight the importance of sustainable and equitable energy practices, advocating for solutions that not only mitigate the negative impacts of renewable energy infrastructure but also enhance the well-being of local communities and the environment. Through its artistic and community-focused initiatives, "Shadow Places" promotes the regeneration of both social and ecological systems.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the ECOSYSTEMIC value of the Distributed Design Platform?

"Shadow Places" embraces an ecosystemic approach, acknowledging the complexity of interactions between cultural, natural, and social aspects. The project designs with the intent to improve the health of social and environmental systems by fostering a holistic understanding of the impacts of renewable energy development. By critically examining these interactions and advocating for more balanced and just solutions, "Shadow Places" aims to contribute to the overall well-being of the interconnected systems it engages with.
