Terra | Mégane Gagé

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Detailed Description
Terra is a low-tech air conditioner using the power of clay and water. Due to the capillarity of the clay, the water spread in the wall of the module.
Project Details
- Does your design take social and cultural challenges and human wellbeing into consideration?
The citizens was the first part of the project. The form of the module is inspire of the chapel where live senior citizen (Ehpad Saint Josep, Nancy - France). After talking with them, I decide to create an object to help them to resist to the hot temperature of summer. The chapel is a really important place for them and for the personal health.
- Does your design support sustainable production, embodying circular or regenerative design practices?
The idea is highlight old technics (clay + water) to be more frugal and adapt to climate change.
- Does your design use principles of distribution and open source?
My 3D model to make the plaster mould to build my project is completed and can be on a platform to be shared in the community. With this mould we can produce a series of low tech air conditioner.
- Does your design promote awareness of responsible design and consumption?
The following line of this project is climate change and the increase of temperature. At the beginning the project was made for old citizen that lives in EHPAD saint Joseph of Nancy. To make it work, they have to put water in it. This gesture is probably the most important in that project because around 1500 old people died in France last year because of the heat.