
Useless tree, use less tree

Detailed Description

A project about transforming 'useless' Christmas trees into useful objects to notice overlooked resources.

Project Details

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the OPENNESS value of the Distributed Design Platform?

By conducting a detailed dissection of existing Christmas trees (pine trees), I will visualize and functionalize each material component. This process includes demonstrating how to dismantle the trees, how to classify and evaluate the potential uses of each part, and what materials and products can ultimately be produced. This allows more people to engage in the research on reusing Christmas trees.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the COLLABORATIVE value of the Distributed Design Platform?

This project, combined with the important holiday of Christmas, starts with the waste materials of Christmas trees around us, encouraging citizens to actively participate. Through community workshops and company experience activities, more people are involved in the project. Participants can not only provide materials but also learn how to practically operate, embedding the concept of sustainable design into everyone who comes into contact with the project.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the REGENERATIVE value of the Distributed Design Platform?

This project reuses real Christmas trees, turning materials that are usually treated as waste into useful products. By transforming them into Christmas decorations, bricks, paper, pens, and other items, we can fully utilize trees that would otherwise be discarded. This reduces the demand for cutting down new trees, embodying the project’s motto, “useless tree, use less tree,” and minimizing the consumption of natural resources.

In your project's current stage of development, how does it align with the ECOSYSTEMIC value of the Distributed Design Platform?

Within the context of the European Christmas tradition, this project links cultural, natural, and social aspects. By utilizing the waste materials of Christmas trees after the holiday, I find opportunities for reuse from cultural practices and design solutions that respect tradition while reducing waste. The project aims to reduce the environmental burden after the holiday, making the entire system more sustainable and raising public awareness about holiday waste issues, thereby enhancing the environment's sustainability.
