Win a Scholarship for Fab Academy Barcelona 2021

Distributed Design and Fab Lab Barcelona are offering two scholarships for designers to attend Fab Academy Barcelona 2021.

Fab Academy is a five month multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning experience that empowers you to learn-by-doing and inspires you to make stuff locally to become an active participant in sustainable cities and communities. The scholarship covers 75% of the total tuition costs of the program for two designers as well as the opportunity to participate in yearly activities of the Distributed Design Platform.

Distributed Design is a European Platform co-Funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. It aims to support and connect creatives, designers, makers, and innovators to participate in the creation of a new model of production and consumption – Distributed Design envisions a world in which “bits travel globally, while atoms stay local.” The Platform is coordinated by Fab Lab Barcelona and comprises 17 member organisations from 13 countries in Europe including the Danish Design Centre, Innovation Centre Iceland and Polifactory, Politecnico di Milano. The platform delivers over 40 events yearly to audiences on and offline of over 1 million. Platform activities include residencies, Awards and Summer Schools, in 2021 programming with also including the Maker to Market Accelerator, which Scholarship winners will be invited to join.

Fab Academy Program at Fab Lab Barcelona

Fab Academy consists of both classes online and offline disciplines, a method which we call “distributed education“. Students work on two levels – global and local. The global level, otherwise known as the Global Campus, connects +250 students enrolled in Fab Academy in more than 50 cities worldwide. The students connect weekly for Global Lectures with Professor Neil Gershenfeld – Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. In Barcelona, the program is lead by the Lead of Future Learning at Fab Lab Barcelona, Santi Fuentemilla, supported by a team of experts in all program disciplines including computer design, computer-controlled cutting, electronics, 3D scanning and printing, electronics design, computer-controlled machining, embedded programming, molding and casting, networking and communications, mechanical design, interface and application programming and machine design. Students graduate the program after completing their own project built using Fab Lab Barcelona’s workshop and digital fabrication equipment.

How to apply for the Scholarship

To apply please fill in this form by January 16th. Applications may be made in Spanish or English.



Application timeline

? December 26th Applications open 

? January 16th Applications close

? January 18th – 19th Review by internal jury 

? January 20th Scholarship announcement

? January 27th Fab Academy Barcelona program starts

A note about COVID-19 

Fab Lab Barcelona and the overarching Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia are taking every measure possible to ensure student safety whilst allowing access to the Fab Lab. Classes and access to the lab is managed in respect to local regulations. To learn more about Fab Lab Barcelona’s hybrid learning programs in this blog post.

Terms and conditions

? Submitted portfolio and statement of motivation must be original and may not infringe on the rights of a third party.

? Distributed Design organisation its legal entities are not responsible for the authenticity of the information included by the designers in the open call form.

? Distributed Design organisation and its legal entities are not responsible for claims of plagiarism.

? Distributed Design organisation its legal entities reserve the right without any compensation to use submitted texts and visual materials for communication purposes; including, but not limited to, press material, brochures, websites and third-party marketing materials.

? By entering, you agree to these Rules and warrant that you are eligible to enter the Contest.

? The data will not be transferred unless they are strictly indispensable for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes or legal obligation.

? Students with scholarships must attend 80% of Fab Academy classes. 

? Students with scholarships must finish the course in the year of enrollment (if COVID-19 does not affect the access to the Fab Lab).

? Students with scholarships cannot defer their grant for following years.

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